A beautiful replica based on a Ferrari: the 250 Testa Rossa

A beautiful replica based on a Ferrari: the 250 Testa Rossa

You have bad replicas and good replicas. The following replica definitely isn't bad. When the following Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa was spotted in Monaco a lot of people thought that this was a Ferrari with a value of 40 million dollar. Unfortunately, that's not the case because this car is replica. But this is a very special replica which is owned by a Ferrari specialist. This Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa is owned by Joe Macari, a well-known name in the world of Ferrari.

Most replicas of the rare Ferraris like the GTO, California Spyder and this Testa Rossa are based on the 250 GTE. They got a shorter and adjusted frame that's similar to the orginial. Thereafter the chassis, brakes and other technical components were adjusted. Building a replica takes way more than just fitting a new bodywork to the car. A new bodwork often comes together with a new engine, a new differential and other gearbox.

We contacted Joe Macari to get some more information about this car. Unfortunately he couldn't tell us that much about this 250 Testa Rossa. The car is based on a 250 GT chassis and about 25 years ago, the car is rebuilt in Italy to a complete replica with all the 250 Testa Rossa characteristics, including all engine components. This isn't just an ordinary replica!

Een prachtige replica op basis van een Ferrari: de 250 Testa Rossa

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