
Spotter Qbadamspoter
Spotted in Kołobrzeg, Poland
Date 2024-08-06 22:20

Seems like this will be my final spot on this site. I really enjoyed sometimes uploading here but i hated people reporting my spots for ridiculous reasons just to get SOTD as it happend to me a few times. It kinda misses the whole point of the fun of spotting. Nice meeting y'all!


Camera model 22101316G
Aperture f/1.9
Shutterspeed 1/1250 sec.
Focal length 5.6 mm

Auto details

Topspeed 324 KM/H
Acceleration 0-100 KM/H 3.40 s
Power 570 hp
Torque 560 Nm @ 6300 RPM
Weight 1735 kg

Comments on this spot

  1. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS MosPos  - 2024-08-07 at 11:46

    Shame that you are leaving. I do agree with you though, spotting is not about getting SOTD but it is about the experience itself. I realy don't get these people who spot a car and then go run home to upload it asap just to get the star. I spot cars randomly and just upload them once a month, max. I do like seeing spots from other countries, so a bit sad to see you leave. Do you have an alternative site?

  2. Profile pic
    POLAND Qbadamspoter  - 2024-08-07 at 12:46

    @MosPos yeah i was tired of the rat race for SOTD as well. I loved the fun of spottng cool cars and being able to share that. I might restart my carspotting account on Instagram if i magange to get the password back or just start a new one. I will mostly focus on my main car drawing instagram @qbadam11 though

  3. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS MosPos  - 2024-08-07 at 13:00

    @Qbadamspoter I hope you can still find joy in carspotting and have/find some friends to share it with. Your drawings look cool, Ill give you a follow!

  4. This is not ok

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