Autogespot participates in the Rogue Rally

Autogespot participates in the Rogue Rally

Rallies with expensive cars are organized all over the world. As long as there are exclusive cars and owners who love to use their cars, it will be a success. Even in South-Africa, where the Rogue Rally is organized. Autogespot will participate in this rally and although you might think that most of the cars in South-Africa are trashed, this event will gather the newest sports cars and will hit the most beautiful roads in South-Africa! But is that all? No, we’ve got another great announcement to make!

The Rogue Rally is the start of the expansion of Autogespot to South-Africa. As we already saw in a report two and a half years ago, there are a lot of exclusive cars in this country. In Cape Town you can find all the famous exclusive brands. Despite the fact that there’s a big difference between poor and rich, the economy in the country is definitely growing. Are you wondering what will happen in the next few years in South-Africa? Keep on following our special page which will be soon online!

Autogespot rijdt mee met de Rogue Rally Autogespot rijdt mee met de Rogue Rally Autogespot rijdt mee met de Rogue Rally Autogespot rijdt mee met de Rogue Rally
Autogespot rijdt mee met de Rogue Rally

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