
Spotter Lucasupercars
Spotted in Cannes, France
Date 2012-12-01 23:32

Auto details

Topspeed 434 km/h
Acceleration 0-100 km/h 2.50 s
Power 1200 hp
Torque 1500 Nm @ 2000 rpm
Weight 1840 kg

Comments on this spot

  1. Profile pic
    FRANCE paulk28  - 2012-12-01 at 23:52

    nice car even if it's a fake " édition spéciale record du monde " or "world record special edition"

  2. Profile pic
    DENMARK Gram's Supercars  - 2012-12-02 at 00:41

    So Nice!!!

  3. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS eldoub  - 2012-12-02 at 01:02

    WOOP WOOP What a combo!! Amazing!

  4. Profile pic
    BELGIUM ben  - 2012-12-02 at 03:26

    Dude a one-77 and 2 Bugatti... thats crazy. nice find

  5. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS lyon1845  - 2012-12-02 at 08:42

    Great combo and find...where is this in Cannes?

  6. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Engine  - 2012-12-02 at 10:58

    This is in St. Tropez right?

  7. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Engine  - 2012-12-02 at 11:04

    Sorry this is Cannes, my bad! Great spot anyway.

  8. Profile pic
  9. Profile pic
    RedBull033  - 2012-12-02 at 19:13


  10. Profile pic
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA benb04  - 2012-12-08 at 19:00

    Hey Foudevoiture... I looked at your spot and its amazing. their was a koenisseg ( however you spell that) the super sport and a Zonda... thats a crazy awesome spot.

  11. Profile pic
    BELGIUM Freakkkk  - 2013-01-08 at 19:22

    What an extreme find

  12. Profile pic
    RUSSIA Dmitriy08102002  - 2013-05-05 at 17:07

    two my dream cars Bugatti Veyron and Veyron SS!

  13. Profile pic
    FRANCE fanbuga75  - 2015-04-22 at 08:11

    Où est ce que tu as pris la photo à Cannes ?

  14. Profile pic
    CANADA IloveRolls  - 2015-05-16 at 06:56


  15. This is not ok

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