Crazy night scene in Monaco

Crazy night scene in Monaco

Monaco is quite diverse despite being a tiny spot. When strolling through the streets of Monte Carlo, you can easily spot a supercar or hypercar without waiting long. It becomes especially interesting at night.

Every city has its nightlife, some more interesting than others. Monaco is undoubtedly one of the most spectacular. As night falls, the residents of Monaco often decide to go out for dinner in their most expensive and rare cars. This means you can see exclusive vehicles parked in front of the upscale restaurants. Some people also enjoy driving their cars on the famous racetrack that winds through the city.

Moreover, Monaco is known for its extremely high density of Bugattis. On some days, you can see up to five different Bugattis in Monaco. (Only Dubai is possibly more extreme.) For example, this Veyron has appeared in Monaco many times. Even though it identifies as a Zonda, it is quite a cool sight to see such a monster at night.

Crazy night scene in MonacoClick on the photo for more photo's of this spot!

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