Colors of the rainbow: Rolls Royce Drophead Coupé

  • Tjan
  • 2009-01-26 17:29
  • 6075
  • 1

Colors of the rainbow: Rolls Royce Drophead Coupé

In one of the first editions of "Colors of the rainbow" we showed you all the colors of the Phantom that could be found on the website at that time. The Drophead Coupe is the second model that we will place under the magnifying glass. This convertible version of the Phantom is available in a diverse amount of exceptional colors, but is of course also available in modest black or grey.

With less then 200 spotted on the website, the Drophead Coupe is a lot more exclusive then the Phantom. Nonetheless, there are quite a few millionaires that warm up to the idea of this convertible. People that own a Phantom usually like to purchase a Drophead Coupe to go with their Phantom. Mostly these people also have other nice cars parked in their garages. Someone that buys a Drophead Coupe wants the best of the best, a car that is exactly the way they want it to be. Just like the Phantom, there are many colors that are custom made. This process is called the Bespoke program. Because so many customers want their 'own' color, the standard colors are minimal. Most of the Dropheads that you spot in the wild are unique because they are custom built according to the tastes of the customer.

Admiral Blue

Cornish White

Diamond Black

English white

Ensign Red

Jubilee Silver

Metropolitan Blue

Woodland Green

Semaphore Yellow

Bespoke color

Bespoke color

Bespoke color

Bespoke color

Bespoke color

Bespoke color

Bespoke color


Mansory Bel Air

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