The summer is on its way! Please help Autogespot

The summer is on its way! Please help Autogespot

Dear spotters! You might have noticed that the last couple of days about 300 new spots entered the site each day. A lot of uploaded spots don’t even get on the site, about 100 to 150 a day. These spots aren’t allowed. This is why we want your help!

Before we put the spots on the site we try to eliminate as much rubbish, incorrect specifications, double spots, spots near dealerships and other spots that don’t belong on the site. Unfortunately we are also just human so once in a while a illegal spot can slip through. We would like to ask you to inform us via our forum about wrong names, double spots or other spots that don’t belong on the site. You can do this in the sub-forum General Chat. Here you can find four different topics.

- Incorrect specifications: Report here all wrong names, both in towns and car types.
- Double spots: Here you can report spots that are allready spotted in the same city or by the same spotter.
- Cleaning topic: Report here all spots of insufficiënt quality, or report you own spots you want to see deleted.
- Suspicious spots: Report here all dealerspots, spots on a racing track, spots on events or other suspicious spots.

This way we can make Autogespot even beter and our database even more complete.

With the large amount of spots we are going to have extra attention on the quality of the spots. This means that nearly all spots with just one picture will be deleted. Of course does this depent on the brand and type of the car.

We would like to thank all of you for your corporation!

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