
Spotter JACK888 Turin Spotter
Spotted in Turin, Italy
Date 2024-12-27 14:40

November 2024 So here we are, I have finally reached the 1000 spots milestone, possibly the most important that can be reached on AG as it's the first ''thousand''. I wanted to post an hypercar or something very limited to celebrate this milestone but in the end I didn't spot any even if some worthy cars were seen in Turin (even by me) in the last months. But I think that even if it is far from being an hypercar and it's probably an unlikely SOTD contender it's not fair to talk about the 575 M Maranello as a not special car, this is in the end a very rare and beautiful car, a personal first for me and it's owned by fellow spotter Tiziano (Reventon09 on AG) who's not much active anymore but also not fully inactive as he still posts sometimes, he kindly asked to blur the plates but I did follow all the procedures asked by AG rules for this kind of situation. The only thing I will say about the license plate is that the car was recently registered in Italy after being imported from France (where it had Paris plates but surprisingly has never been posted on AG with them) and it is my first car with GX registration which until some days ago was the newest Italian letter combination (we just reached GY). The car was parked near the Inalpi Arena on the final day of ATP Finals and Tiziano did tell me I was probably going to find the car somewhere even if I didn't meet him on that day as he was not personally driving the car on that day. This 575 M is surely the best spot from this year's ATP Finals and probably one of the most interesting cars I have found at the famous tennis tournament as usually the spotworthy cars are pretty new if not brand new, so an old school car like this is actually pretty unique to spot there haha. I will maybe even have a ride on this car or on the one that could replace it, as he's looking for a manual example, possibly in a less boring color, even if I think silver works well on this model especially if combined with the red interiors. I'm curious if 2025 will bring me an hypercar spot on Italian territory (even better if it's in my home city) which is still missing in almost 10 years of spotting, I will reach the decade anniversary at the end of March, we'll see what special spot I will use in that case. As I have said in the 999th spot I will try to post a big part of November and December spots which are unrelated to ATP Finals in the next days while for the other spots from the tennis tournament you will have to wait the first month of the new year. I really appreciate your support guys and I hope you'll like this 1000th spot from me, hoping it will stay 1000th forever, but anyways you all know that when I have posted it this was my original spot number ONE THOUSAND! P.s. I'm a couple days late but Merry Christmas!

Auto details

Topspeed 325 km/h
Acceleration 0-100 km/h 4.30 s
Power 515 hp
Torque 589 Nm @ 5250 rpm
Weight 1730 kg

Comments on this spot

  1. Profile pic
    ITALY Dalzzz  - 2024-12-27 at 14:43

    Stupenda, complimenti per i 1000 spot Jack! 🤩

  2. Profile pic
    ITALY Tizz420  - 2024-12-27 at 15:01

    Complimenti per i 1.000 spot Jack!!! Che traguardo incredibile

  3. Profile pic
    ITALY BsSpots  - 2024-12-27 at 15:12

    Bellissimo spot Jack e complimenti per i 1000!

  4. Profile pic
    SPAIN jo3l  - 2024-12-27 at 15:59

    Happy holidays my friend, a very well deserved congratulations to you!

  5. Profile pic
    SPAIN clc.spotss  - 2024-12-27 at 16:05

    Congratulations on reaching 1000 spots!!! Buon Natale amico!

  6. Profile pic
    PORTUGAL Aléxis Correia l Photogaphy  - 2024-12-27 at 16:09

    Congrats on the incredible milestone!

  7. Profile pic
    ITALY Nico21  - 2024-12-27 at 18:04

    Io la trovo un’ottima scelta, complimenti per il traguardo incredibile 😁

  8. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Rover-Spots  - 2024-12-27 at 19:40

    Posto fantastico e congratulazioni per l'altrettanto fantastico traguardo! Bellissima macchina!

  9. Profile pic
    SERBIA Nemanja 8.32  - 2024-12-27 at 19:56

    what incredible find..old school supercar. SOTD for me..

  10. Profile pic
    SLOVAKIA davidko15  - 2024-12-27 at 20:05

    Awesome spot, what a Ferrari! Congrats to your milestone!

  11. Profile pic
    UNITED KINGDOM ST22HTV  - 2024-12-27 at 21:05

    That's incredible, congratulations on 1000

  12. Profile pic
    Ferrari-Lamborghini Fan  - 2024-12-27 at 21:31

    Insane spot and congrats on this 1000 spots !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Profile pic
    CHINA EZ73  - 2024-12-27 at 23:12

    Congrats on reaching the big milestone of 1000 spots! There's no better way to celebrate this milestone than with a gorgeous V12 analogue Ferrari!

  14. Profile pic
    ITALY JACK888 Turin Spotter  - 2024-12-28 at 01:43

    @Dalzzz @Tizz240 @BsSpots @Nico21 Grazie mille ragazzi, avvero un peccato che la gente abbia preferito la GT3 RS...
    @jo3l @clc.spotss @Aléxis Correia l Photogaphy @Rover-Spots @Nemanja 8.32 @davidko15 @ST22HTV @Ferrari-Lamborghini Fan @EX73 Thanks a lot Joël, Carlos, Aléxis, Robert, Nemanja, David, Linus, Francky and Edison, all your words are much appreciated, I'm happy you liked my choice for this special spot!

  15. Profile pic
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Horse-Power  - 2024-12-28 at 08:05

    Hello, Giacomo. Well my friend, your special day has finally arrived. Not just arrived, but you accomplished it in very fine style. Catching a Ferrari in the wild has always been my ultimate passion. So with this Beautiful Italian lady you struck pure gold. Your passion for our hobby can be read with every spot that you post up, my friend. May you never loose the excitement. Bravo. @JACK888 Turin Spotter

  16. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Chieltje  - 2024-12-28 at 10:40

    Congrats on this amazing milestone bro! Very nice pics and I wish you very great days too! Lovely to celebrate with a 575!

  17. Profile pic
    BELGIUM yannick-m.  - 2024-12-28 at 16:39

    Congratulations! Such a nice car. Too bad they are that rare.

  18. Profile pic
    SERBIA Ds cars photography  - 2024-12-28 at 21:21

    Congrats on the milestone! Amazing car to celebrate it with!

  19. Profile pic
    UKRAINE Rostyslav  - 2024-12-28 at 23:48

    What a beauty, I love this car! Happy holidays mate and enjoy the milestone celebration 🎉

  20. Profile pic
    ITALY JACK888 Turin Spotter  - 2024-12-29 at 01:21

    @Horse-Power Thanks a lot West, I really appreciate your words, your support is very important for me!
    @Chieltje Thank you bro, I wish you the best too!
    @yannick-m. Thanks Yannick, it's indeed a sad thing but at the same time I think it's part of those cars' charme haha
    @s cars photography Thanks Danijel, I agree!
    @Rostyslav Thanks a lot for commenting mate, I always enjoy watching your spots!

  21. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS PatrickC  - 2024-12-30 at 00:37

    Congratulations on 1000 spots man, amazing! 🍺

  22. Profile pic
    ITALY JACK888 Turin Spotter  - 2024-12-30 at 01:03

    @PatrickC Thanks a lot Patrick! 🍻

  23. Profile pic
    GERMANY funspotter  - 2024-12-30 at 14:50

    awesome car and very nice shots!

  24. Profile pic
    ITALY JACK888 Turin Spotter  - 2024-12-30 at 22:41

    @funspotter Thanks a lot mate!

  25. Profile pic
    FRANCE cross74  - 2025-01-10 at 09:08

    Bravo per il tuo 1000 post .
    La Maranello mi è sempre piaciuta da quando è uscita.👍️

  26. Profile pic
    ITALY JACK888 Turin Spotter  - 2025-01-10 at 22:39

    @cross4 Merci! Sicuramente è una bellissima auto! 👍️

  27. Profile pic
    HUNGARY carsinbp  - 2025-01-18 at 08:41

    That's a crazy find! Two days ago I uploaded a 812 Superfast, and the covered car next to it was an 575 M in the exact same colour!

  28. Profile pic
    ITALY JACK888 Turin Spotter  - 2025-01-18 at 23:43

    @carsinbp Thanks a lot Marci, I hope you can take proper pics of that 575 soon!

  29. Profile pic
    AUSTRIA CHSLinz  - 2025-01-28 at 19:28

    The perfect way to celebrate 1000 spots! Congrats on the milestone and on this awesome find. The 575 was the best looking Ferrari of its era and it still holds up so well today! So cool that you saw this beauty. Also congrats to @Reventon09 obviously!

  30. Profile pic
    ITALY Reventon09  - 2025-01-28 at 19:30

    @CHSLinz thanks!!

  31. Profile pic
    ITALY JACK888 Turin Spotter  - 2025-01-28 at 23:46

    @CHSLinz Thanks a lot my friend! It's a lovely car indeed!
    @Reventon09 Finalmente ti sei deciso a commentarla hahah

  32. This is not ok

More Ferrari 575 M Maranello spots

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