I was on my way to Saint-Émilion for a spotting cession, and just before I got there the road passed this Château, one of the region's finest 5-star hotels. So there are always nice cars there! As I said on the previous post, the SRT allowed me to see this quartet of Purosangue because I saw them from the road so I stopped and the Purosangue were about to leave so parked in front of the hotel entrance on the other side. If it hadn't been for SRT I would have missed them. The photos are from this summer, and even though there are always supercars in Saint-Émilion, especially in summer, I didn't expect to see these 4, so I was very happy! This one in the dark red is my favorite of the 4. They'd been seen several times the week before all along the west side. Pamplona, San Sebastian, Biarritz... and I clearly didn't expect to see them. They are posted on AG in San Sebastian. After asking around, I found out that they're loaner vehicles from the factory, made available to big foreign customers when they come to Europe. In this case, 4 American couples. The main tourists to Saint-Émilion are very rich Americans, and as you can see from my account, sometimes they come with the cars (Carrera GT, P1 GT, P1GTR...). In any case, it's a real pleasure to get these kinds of surprises!