I was on my way to Saint-Émilion for a spotting cession, and just before I got there the road passed this Château, one of the region's finest 5-star hotels. So there are always nice cars there! As I said on the previous post, the SRT allowed me to see this quartet of Purosangue because I saw them from the road so I stopped and the Purosangue were about to leave so parked in front of the hotel entrance on the other side. If it hadn't been for SRT I would have missed them. The photos are from this summer, and even though there are always supercars in Saint-Émilion, especially in summer, I didn't expect to see these 4, so I was very happy! They'd been seen several times the week before all along the west side. Pamplona, San Sebastian, Biarritz... and I clearly didn't expect to see them. They are posted on AG in San Sebastian. After asking around, I found out that they're loaner vehicles from the factory, made available to big foreign customers when they come to Europe. In this case, 4 American couples. The main tourists to Saint-Émilion are very rich Americans, and as you can see from my account, sometimes they come with the cars (Carrera GT, P1 GT, P1GTR...). In any case, it's a real pleasure to get these kinds of surprises!