All eyes on auto racing – The factors that fuel people’s obsession with motorsports

  • Ruud
  • 2022-10-17 13:36
  • 91
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All eyes on auto racing – The factors that fuel people’s obsession with motorsports

Everyone will agree that sports bring joy and color into people’s lives, whether they’re participants or mere spectators. Obviously, sports preferences differ from one person to another, as well as across cultures. In the US, American football is the undisputable leader, while in the UK, soccer is by far the most popular sport.

It’s also quite difficult to get people interested in a different sport than the ones they’re used to watching because sports fans tend to be pretty unwavering in their support and loyalty towards their favorites, so there’s not much room left for newcomers. And yet it seems like motorsports in general, and F1 in particular, have managed to crack the code and expand their fan base considerably in recent times, proving once again that sport is a universal language that has the power to bring everyone together.

Compared to other sports, F1 streaming enjoys great popularity these days, as can be seen in this infographic. But have you ever wondered why so many people are hooked on F1, NASCAR, IndyCar, and other similar competitions, or why these sports seem to attract more fans than ever lately? If you’ve thought about these questions, we’ve got the answers, so buckle up for a quick ride in the world of motorsport.

The thrill of living life on the edge
Ask anyone what’s so exciting about auto racing, and they’ll probably answer the same thing – speed – which is not at all surprising since that’s the very essence of motorsports. F1 cars can reach speeds of up to 360 kph during competitions but can go much faster than that outside the circuit. Given the incredibly high speeds, racing pilots drive at the limit of control, so they’re literally playing with danger at every twist and turn, hence the adrenaline-fueled fun that keeps everyone on the edge of their seats.
Sure, there are hazards associated with every sport, and unfortunate incidents are common in almost every competition. But for auto racing, the risk is ever-present, and the consequences of an accident can be devastating. The driver and the car have to become one and work in perfect synchronicity to pull things off, and that’s unseen in any other sport.

The quest for perfection
Although speed and danger are the ingredients that get people’s adrenaline pumping, they’re not the only elements that make auto racing worth watching. If everything was just about speed, things would get boring at some point. But as former F1 champion Nico Rosberg says, what makes this sport so special is the feeling of driving on the edge because racing is also a game of finesse and precision.
It may not seem like that at first glance, but if you look at how close the drivers get to the edge of the track as they speed down the circuit and the split-second decisions they have to make, it becomes clear that accuracy and the constant search for perfection are what distinguishes an excellent driver from an average one.

The intense competition
In auto racing, the driver is the frontman – the one that is put into the spotlight and gets the praise for the performance, but there’s a whole team behind them that works relentlessly like a well-oiled machine and carefully orchestrates the entire spectacle. So, one gets to enjoy both the drama that takes place on the tracks and the one in the background. The way the crew interacts with the driver, how they build their strategy and the intensity of these exchanges make the competition all the more interesting.
Apart from that, you get to watch rivalries unfold right in front of your eyes. James Hunt and Niki Lauda’s rivalry, or Michael Schumacher vs Mika Hakkinen battles, are the stuff of racing legends. People are stoked to see who’s going to be the better driver in every race and thoroughly enjoy every chapter of the saga.

The community
We’ve mentioned at the beginning of the article that sports have this special ability to bring people together, and auto racing is a perfect example of that. Motorsports give people the opportunity to connect and bond over their shared interests, providing a sense of belonging and community as they debate their favorite topics.

Obviously, nothing can compare to watching a race live, hearing the engines roaring, and taking in the electric atmosphere in the stadium, but one can still have a great time watching the competition with their friends on TV. And the best thing about being a part of the auto racing community is that, for the most part, it is much more welcoming and supportive than other sports’ fanbases.

The legends of the track
There are huge stars in every professional sport you can think of. Fans put their favorite sportsmen on a pedestal and look up to them. However, there’s a difference in how the public views professional racing drivers compared to big names in other sports. That’s because most sports are accessible to everyone. You can play soccer, basketball, tennis and any other game you like, on an amateur level, obviously. But racing on the circuit is something exclusive to professional pilots. This gives motorsport figures an almost mythical aura and takes auto racing to a whole different level.

Media coverage
Another aspect that has contributed to the increasing appeal of motorsports in recent years is the extensive media coverage that these sports have received. It can be argued that many other sports enjoy a similar level of attention, but let’s take a look at the movie scene and do a quick recap of the racing-inspired films and series that have graced the screens. From the Fast and Furious franchise to Need for Speed, Rush and more recently, Drive to Survive, there are plenty of big titles that did great at the box office and fueled people’s passion for auto racing.
If you need any more reasons to get into motorsports, we suggest you gather a few friends and stream the next F1 race live. We promise you won’t regret it.

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