Did You Know These Interesting Facts About Electric Cars?

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  • 2022-03-09 10:27
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Did You Know These Interesting Facts About Electric Cars?

Electric cars have been around for a long time. In fact, the first models were developed in the UK in 1884. You can see that it’s taken more than a century to gain in popularity and to be developed and mass-produced. There are many interesting facts about electric cars. While they are distinct from hybrid cars, because they don’t have a combustion engine at all, they do share some similarities because of the electric engine that makes the car run. Did you know these facts about electric cars?

You Can Install a Charging Station at Home
Wondering where to charge your electric car? Well, the good news is that you can easily install an electric vehicle charging station at home for less than the cost of a plane ticket to Tokyo. The ease of adding one of these stations to your house means that you no longer need to worry about the logistics of owning an electric car if you want one.

Hybrids Produce Less Pollution Than Standard Cars
If you’re wondering whether driving a hybrid makes an impact or not, the data shows that you can reduce the amount of pollution you produce by 90% or more when you drive a hybrid vehicle. There are plenty of benefits for you too. You’ll also save a significant amount of money by fueling up your hybrid car versus a standard vehicle. Think about the early Prius models that got 60 mpg on the highway versus the average car that only got around 30 mpg at the time they came out. You can only imagine how much more eco-friendly that makes a full-on electric car.

You Don’t Need to Switch Gears
Think about it. The entire construction of the combustion engine relies on different gears to ensure the parts don’t work too hard as higher speeds are reached. An electric engine has no need for this functionality. With an electric car, there is no manual or automatic transmission.

Electric Cars are Quiet
They are so quiet in fact, that many models don’t make a sound at all when they run. This can lead to some challenges because there is no way to warn motorists and pedestrians that the car is coming. Some countries are requiring car manufacturers to add noise via a speaker to help people hear the car coming.

Electric Cars Weigh More
A similar-sized car with a combustion engine weighs 10-20% less than an electric car. While this may seem counterintuitive since an electric car doesn’t need fuel, the materials used to make the car weigh a bit more.

China is The Biggest Consumer of Electric Cars
When looking at sales of electric vehicles around the world, China is the one buying the most of these kinds of cars. Their big cities have millions of people in them, and electric cars are seen as a way to reduce pollution in these hubs.
You’ll Also Find the Highest Number of Electric Cars Per Capita in Norway
While Norway isn’t as large as China, you will find that they have an appreciation for helping the environment and making eco-friendly choices. This is evident in the fact that you can find the highest number of electric vehicles per person in Norway.

You Could Theoretically Charge an Electric Car While Driving
The same technology that allows you to charge your phone without plugging it in could be used to continuously charge an electric car even while it’s on the road. Can you imagine a charging lane on the highway that charged your car while you drove? You’d be able to go as many miles as needed before charging up your batteries.

Repairing and Maintaining an Electric Car is Cheaper
Think about all the components of a regular car. You have the transmission, the engine, the alternator, and things like the starter that all work together to ensure your car can start up and run efficiently. Not to mention the brakes, rotors, and other important parts of the car. With an electric car, there are fewer mechanical components. This means that when something breaks, it’s easier to diagnose and repair. Car maintenance is important, but for electric cars, it should be less than a combustion engine car.
The technology for electric cars has been around far longer than most people realize. With the widespread adoption of these types of vehicles, we can more easily reduce the consumption of fossil fuels, and in the process save you money on car maintenance over the life of the car.

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