Must-Haves for Vehicle Emergencies – Even Luxury Vehicles

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  • 2022-03-06 10:32
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Must-Haves for Vehicle Emergencies – Even Luxury Vehicles

It doesn’t matter how expensive or exotic your car is, if an emergency arises, there are things it’s always good to have in it. An emergency kit in your vehicle can assist with ensuring your safety and even your survival in the event of a breakdown. Here’s a quick look at a few of the necessities you’ll need to include in your kit.

Tire Gauge

A tire gauge is what’s used to check the air pressure in your tires. A tire pressure gauge is essential because you always need to ensure the pressure in your tires is at the proper amount. If they aren’t, it could lead to blowouts and significantly reduce their life. Keep in mind that you also need to check the pressure in your spare tire. Many people tend to neglect this until it’s too late.

Proof of Insurance

This one is required by law. However, many car insurance companies offer roadside assistance in the event that you need it. Since, like insurance, you never know when you’ll need it, it’s best to have it just in case. Emergency roadside assistance can even save your life if you happen to break down in a snowstorm.

Flashlights and Fresh Batteries

You never know when a breakdown will occur. Sometimes it even happens at night. In times like this, a flashlight can allow you to examine whatever you think the problem might be. When there isn’t another light source available, this is one item that can help you see. It’s also never a bad idea to have fresh batteries on hand.

Bottled Water

We all know that there are certain things we need in order to survive. Water is one of those things. Water can also keep you wide awake and healthy on long trips. However, when you’re on the road, water might not always be readily available, especially when you have a breakdown, so you should always have a minimum of three days worth in your vehicle. Keep in mind that water can be affected by extreme temperatures, so you may also want to bring along something to purify it.

Non-Perishable Food

Just as with the water, you should also store about three days of preserved or non-perishable food in your car. These items shouldn’t need cooking or refrigeration. You might consider canned goods, dried fruits, or protein bars. Choose snacks packed with nutrients that can provide you with plenty of energy. If possible, avoid packing things that will dehydrate. Also, consider food allergies or dietary requirements. Please remember to also pack utensils and a can opener if necessary.


If it’s cold outside and your heater breaks down, a sleeping bag or blanket can ensure you remain warm. This is a versatile item that can serve a few functions. One function may be as a seat cover for carrying heavy items. Another is to keep you warm.

First Aid Kit

Traveling is unpredictable. Mishaps can and do occur, and you need to be prepared. To do that, it’s essential that you add a first aid kit to your vehicle emergency kit. In the event of sustaining minor injuries in a vehicle accident, you’ll need to disinfect any abrasions and stop them from bleeding. In addition to that, you should also have tweezers and bandages as well as medications to treat both allergies and pain.

Regardless of who may be driving, you need to be ready with an emergency kit. You never know when you’ll need it and it’s better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

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