Next Koenigsegg on its way to China

Next Koenigsegg on its way to China

Koenigsegg is doing very well in China. The Swedish company already sold a one-off Agera R BLT and another Agera was also spotted in China. It aren’t the only copies which are sold in China. According to GTspirit, the Swedish are working on an even more powerful Agera for a Chinese customer.

Details are missing at this moment but our Dutch colleagues do have some information about this car. It is about an Agera ordered by supercar dealership FFF in Shanghai, they ordered this car for a customer. Optical changes are a solid roof with an air intake, an even bigger spoiler on the back and several extra carbon fiber components. The following rendering isn’t very clear but we do know that this Agera will be even more aggressive as all the other copies before. Maybe a new toy for the owner of the Pagani Zonda R which is also spotted in China? The rumors say that the Agera will get 1400 bhp and this will make it one of the fastest supercars in the world.

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