This Lamborghini has been a resident of Monaco for years

  • Ruud
  • 2021-01-11 12:06
  • 670
  • 1

This Lamborghini has been a resident of Monaco for years

One of the most beautiful Lamborghinis ever? If you ask me you can answer yes to this together with the Diablo. Beautiful cars from the past that still make a certain impression on you.

The chance to spot a Miura is fairly small, luckily you still have some chance to spot this one in Monaco. Over the years, this orange Miura P400 SV has been spotted several times in Monaco. The Principality still remains a top location to walk around as a spotter. Only 184 pieces of this model were made, making it a unique phenomenon. As we can also see from all the spots of this car the owner is someone who maintains the car properly!

Deze Lamborghini is al jaren inwoner van MonacoKlik op de foto voor meer foto's van deze spot!

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