We start the week with a quintet of Porsches

  • Ruud
  • 2021-01-18 09:13
  • 344
  • 0

We start the week with a quintet of Porsches

Normally, a quintet is a formation of five musicians. Can we also include these Porsches under that?

As a car enthusiast we also think the exhaust is an instrument and that is why we simply call this a quintet Porsches. After all, the two 918 Spyders and the three GT2 RSs are real air blowers. The GT2 RS uses turbos to release a symphony while the 918 Spyder can do it all on its own content. This combo in Canada also has something special. All cars are owned by one person! That doesn't just stay with this combo. Alsothis combo that we have seen before are part of this gigantic collection. We can hardly offer a better start to the week!

We beginnen de week met een kwintet PorschesKlik op de foto voor meer foto's van deze spot!

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