
Spotter OPspotters
Spotted in Miami Beach (FL), United States of America
Date 2016-02-10 02:24

What an amazing car in yellow, especially combined with the black rims. Spotted this Huracan on our way to Bal Harbor.

Auto details

Topspeed 325 km/h
Acceleration 0-100 km/h 3.20 s
Power 610 hp
Torque 560 Nm @ 6500 rpm
Weight 1422 kg

Comments on this spot

  1. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS lyon1845  - 2016-02-10 at 02:27

    What a beauty, nice catch and shots.

  2. Profile pic
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OPspotters  - 2016-02-10 at 02:28

    @lyon1845 thank you sir!!!! Coming from you that means a lot! Still not close to your output...but I'm trying. Hope to see a spot from you again soon!!!!!

  3. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS lyon1845  - 2016-02-10 at 02:34

    You're welcome, we all try to do our best. Even I have a lot to learn, and it's not always easy to spot and make nice shots while a car is driving or we are moving while taking the pictures.
    Have a nice day and even i am hoping to spot something soon, been busy and haven't had the time to go out and take some shots but hope that there will come a time soon for it.

  4. Profile pic
    SPAIN Alex_LP  - 2016-02-10 at 03:28

    Just WOW! Nice spot and pics mate!!

  5. Profile pic
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OPspotters  - 2016-02-10 at 03:45

    Thanks mate @Alex_LP !!!

  6. Profile pic
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TYI  - 2016-02-10 at 05:36


  7. Profile pic
    SLOVAKIA PatrikZA  - 2016-02-10 at 07:08

    Wow color !

  8. Profile pic
    GERMANY Tuppes  - 2016-02-10 at 07:17


  9. Profile pic
    POLAND MKSpots  - 2016-02-10 at 08:41

    Nice find. Might be my screen, but that looks more lime green than yellow :P

  10. Profile pic
    SERBIA FILIP1001  - 2016-02-10 at 08:50

    Stunning spot!

  11. Profile pic
    BELGIUM Hyauto  - 2016-02-10 at 09:27

    nice color

  12. Profile pic
    GERMANY shenyatymovskyi  - 2016-02-10 at 11:58

    It's not yellow. The colour is Verde Sign

  13. Profile pic
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Horse-Power  - 2016-02-10 at 12:56

    Love the color, and the shots.

  14. Profile pic
    FRANCE fanbuga75  - 2016-02-10 at 13:57

    Your pics are amazing and this color is so rare !

  15. Profile pic
    SERBIA UrosP  - 2016-02-10 at 16:19

    Beautiful pictures!

  16. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS thomcarspotter  - 2016-02-10 at 16:47

    Wow, now that is an seriously sick spec! Insane! Great spot mate!

  17. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS JeffRBB  - 2016-02-10 at 21:49

    Wow, insane color! It doesn't look like the 'standard' green. You've seen it all on Huracan tastes! Great spot!

  18. Profile pic
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Rivitography  - 2016-02-11 at 01:10

    Awesome color and awesome spot!

  19. Profile pic
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OPspotters  - 2016-02-11 at 02:46

    @TYI @Rivitography @JeffRBB @thomcarspotter @UrosP @fanbuga75 @Horse-Power @PatrikZA @FILIP1001 @Hyauto @shenyatymovskyi @MKSpots
    Thanks all for you comments, feedback and compliments...and YEP!!! this is not YELLOW :P

  20. Profile pic
    CANADA dare2drive  - 2016-02-11 at 02:49

    Amazing color for this Huracan! Great spot and shots once again !

  21. Profile pic
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OPspotters  - 2016-02-11 at 03:01

    Thanks @dare2drive !!!

  22. Profile pic
    CZECH REPUBLIC daweRS  - 2016-02-11 at 13:24

    This is really lovely configuration for this Lambo. Greaz pictures and spot!!!

  23. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS tk97  - 2016-02-13 at 19:21

    Amazing spot

  24. Profile pic
    SWITZERLAND Rina K. Photography  - 2016-02-13 at 23:39

    Insane Color!

  25. This is not ok

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