Luxurious wedding in Sydney

Luxurious wedding in Sydney

Just like in China, we also find people in Sydney who love to show their weatlh during a wedding. This couple went so far the involved two Rolls-Royces followed by some BMW X5 Ms, all in white. This way, you will have a very expensive wedding but also a very special one. The couple drove the first Rolls-Royce Drophead Coupé and they didn't mind to stand out.

And they did stand out with so much special cars. Two big limousines on front followed by three big SUVs. It may look a bit Russian but that's not what this is. If you ask us, we wouldn't have chosen any other cars. The Rolls-Royce Drophead Coupe is still one of the most stylish cabriolets on the market. We don't know whether the cars were rented but there's only a small chance that you will have three friends who own a white X5 M.

Ook in Sydney trouwen ze in luxe

Ook in Sydney trouwen ze in luxe

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