
Spotter Pat-Rick
Spotted in Kitzbühel, Austria
Date 2011-05-15 22:20

This is a GT2 but wannabe RS! The owner did some mods like the MK2 rearlights and the RS frontlip.

Auto details

Topspeed 329 km/h
Acceleration 0-100 km/h 3.40 s
Power 530 hp
Torque 680 Nm @ 3350 rpm
Weight 1440 kg

Comments on this spot

  1. Profile pic
    AUSTRIA Deadmau5  - 2011-05-16 at 19:53

    Great spot! ^O^

  2. Profile pic
    ALGERIA berend.s  - 2011-05-16 at 19:57

    vind hem best goed gelukt^O^:bier:

  3. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS hardinxveld gespot  - 2011-05-16 at 20:19

    Prachtige GT2^O^

  4. Profile pic
    BELGIUM zdaan  - 2011-05-16 at 20:20

    looks great

  5. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS draco  - 2011-05-17 at 08:46

    Toch vet hoor!

  6. Profile pic
    werkendam gespot  - 2011-05-17 at 15:05

    Dik zeg!

  7. This is not ok

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