Wow, a Lamborghini Countach 5000 S

Wow, a Lamborghini Countach 5000 S

That was probably the first word that came out of your mouth when you saw this beautiful car approaching. There are hardly any more impressive cars than the Lamborghini Countach.

A true car legend. That’s exactly what the Countach is. With its gigantic V12 engine and the sharp angles designed by Marcello Gandini, few cars are so legendary. Practically speaking, the design of the Countach was the bell that rang in the 1980s. Although the car itself hails from the 1970s, it has almost become synonymous with the following decades. Of course, the Countach is not just beautiful to look at, Lamborghini also made it fun to drive. The Countach 5000 S delivers around 455 HP with its roaring V12 and sprints from 0 to 100 km/h in 4.8 seconds. The Lambo then shoots up to 286 km/h. Today, these are good values for a sports car, but for 1974, these were the specifications of a hypercar. These beautiful photos were taken by Dalzzz in the gorgeous Cisano, Italy. Looking at the surroundings, there is no better place to drive a classic Lamborghini. Especially in this beautiful yellow color, this is truly a top spot. What a beautiful car.
Wow, a Lamborghini Countach 5000 SClick on the photo for more photo's of this spot!

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