
Spotter Rostyslav
Spotted in London, United Kingdom
Date 2024-12-31 19:40

I want to conclude this year with gratitude. I’m extremely lucky to be in London, the best place for car spotting, while my country grapples with war and daily drone and missile attacks. While most of my fellow Ukrainians are forced to seek shelter every night, I can roam freely, feeling safe and enjoying cars at ease. I want to thank the incredible London car community – they are truly a kind, helpful, and communicative group of people. I would have never discovered these remarkable cars if it weren’t for them


Camera model Canon EOS R6m2
Aperture 4.0
Shutterspeed 1/320
Focal length 70.0 mm

Auto details

Topspeed 350 km/h
Acceleration 0-100 km/h 2.50 s
Power 1160 hp
Torque 900 Nm @ 6000 rpm
Weight 1030 kg

Comments on this spot

  1. Profile pic
    GERMANY nollieflip  - 2024-12-31 at 19:54

    Thank you for your quality pictures and your effort to share all these beauties with us. Stay safe and happy new year! 🙏🏼🍀🥳

  2. Profile pic
    UNITED KINGDOM JJMad  - 2024-12-31 at 19:55

    Unreal spot! Well done mate on all the amazing cars you spot and your amazing photos. Happy new year!

  3. Profile pic
    UKRAINE Rostyslav  - 2024-12-31 at 19:55

    @nollieflip It is my pleasure, thanks for all the kind words and happy holidays 🥳

  4. Profile pic
    UKRAINE Rostyslav  - 2024-12-31 at 19:56

    @JJMad Cheers, happy new year!

  5. Profile pic
    ITALY Dalzzz  - 2024-12-31 at 20:24

    Absolutely stunning spot, what a spaceship! Quite a touching caption too, I tend to forget how lucky I am too and I usually complain about minimal things while I don’t realize that a ton of other people have bigger problems. Happy new year in advance and good luck for the upcoming new year! 💪🔥

  6. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS R&M-spots  - 2024-12-31 at 20:30

    Damn, that's tough man. I'm happy you can share your work with us. Hope you have a good 2025 and I'm looking forward to more of your spots!

  7. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS PatrickC  - 2024-12-31 at 20:33

    Hell of a find bro! You’ve told me your background story recently and it’s really nice to get to know you. I’m in awe with how you deal with the daily situation. You’re doing a really good job. Keep using the cars as a way to clear your mind. It’s a mental relief. Best wishes for 2025 for you and your family. I hope they’ll stay safe and healthy. Keep it up! 🍾🍾

  8. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS  - 2024-12-31 at 21:34

    Amazing find, happy newyear!

  9. Profile pic
    UKRAINE Rostyslav  - 2024-12-31 at 21:37

    @Dalzzz Here’s to enjoying the small things 🥂 @R&M-spots Your support makes sharing easy and delightful 🍻
    @PatrickC Thank you for the kind words 🍸

  10. Profile pic
    UNITED KINGDOM ST22HTV  - 2024-12-31 at 21:49

    WHAT A CAR! Must've sounded amazing! Hope you have a great new year

  11. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Jfvspots  - 2024-12-31 at 22:01

    Crazy spot driving by! Lets hope for a less harmfull 2025, and a happy new year to you!

  12. Profile pic
    UKRAINE Rostyslav  - 2024-12-31 at 22:08 Thank you, have a great 2025 🥳 @ST22HTV It sure did, unbelievable sound. Wishing you all the best mate 🥳
    @Jfvspots That’s the dream, happy new year!

  13. Profile pic
    UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Comfyqq  - 2024-12-31 at 22:51

    Happy new year bro, I really hope that the war will end soon 😢

  14. Profile pic
    UKRAINE Rostyslav  - 2024-12-31 at 23:32

    @Comfyqq It absolutely needs to end, happy holidays mate ✨️

  15. Profile pic
    ITALY JACK888 Turin Spotter  - 2024-12-31 at 23:55

    Epic spot, can't wait your spots in the new year, thanks for posting your incredible pics on this site mate, have an happy new year! 🥂

  16. Profile pic
    UKRAINE Rostyslav  - 2025-01-01 at 01:15

    @JACK888 Turin Spotter Thanks for the support. Happy new year!

  17. Profile pic
    UNITED KINGDOM davileon  - 2025-01-01 at 01:54

    Happy New year Sir, there Is no shadow of a doubt you've brought a warm and dynamic style to this website with your intricate camera work and kind help to others let alone the amazing machines you've discovered, i just can't keep up man! 😬 Your there! 😊Most important hope this year brings hope, a light of peace and prosperity ahead for your home your people and all others. Look forward to seeing your epic work in 25 and this Aston is the perfect 👌 ending and beginning.

  18. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS AB_Carphotography  - 2025-01-01 at 12:18

    Surely of your highlights of the year this British beast! I wish you and all the Ukrainians all the best, may Putin lay 6 feet under very soon 🥂

  19. Profile pic
    UKRAINE Rostyslav  - 2025-01-01 at 12:23

    @davileon Thanks David, it's been a blast 'competing' with legends such as yourself, have a wonderful year and let's catch everything we can 😄 @AB_Carphotography Well said sir! Thanks for all the support and your great articles 🥃

  20. Profile pic
    Ferrari-Lamborghini Fan  - 2025-01-01 at 16:10

    Stunning and insane find and beautiful phots , Happy new year !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Profile pic
    UKRAINE Rostyslav  - 2025-01-01 at 20:17

    @Ferrari-Lamborghini Fan Have a good one yourself🥂

  22. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Bman  - 2025-01-02 at 11:27

    Some great words to enter 2025 with mate. Happy new year, I look forward to seeing more of your pictures next year!

  23. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS AB_Carphotography  - 2025-01-02 at 14:01

    Thank you!

  24. Profile pic
    BELGIUM Beamen  - 2025-01-02 at 15:07

    Pffff, this is insane ! What a spot. A wonderful way to end the year. Bless you for the year to come hoping everyone is safe around you.

  25. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS wessel.jpeg  - 2025-01-02 at 16:12

    Best wishes and stay safe mate!

  26. Profile pic
    BELGIUM yannick-m.  - 2025-01-02 at 20:46

    Stunning spot!!

  27. This is not ok

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