This spot holds quite a lot of weight so bear with me as it will take a lengthy description. This is both my 200th spot and the spot that marks my 2nd anniversary here on Autogespot. That is quite exciting and I would like to thank everyone who has supported my spotting ventures over the years. Now, about the spot itself. This is NOT what I originally had planned to upload at this point in time, I had another car in que. Yet, the other car was spotted around a year ago and when I spotted this I figured it would be more fitting to upload the more recently found exotic, as well as I was just really excited to find it and upload it lol. I will probably upload the other exotic for another milestone. I spotted this on August 5th, so less than a week ago, on the side of a pretty unpopulated road, on a Monday morning, in virtually the middle of nowhere; not a combination of factors you would typically would warrant something this rare. In fact I didn't even know what model this was at first, but after some research it seems to be an Azure T, one of eighty in the whole world! That makes it possibly the rarest car production number-wise that I have ever spotted (though I could be wrong about that.) The reason we were driving down this road- which was oppressed by fog at this point, really it was more heavy in person than in the photos- was we were attempting to arrive at "Devil's Fork State Park" in South Carolina, where we going to go kayaking that morning. When I first saw this car I immediately recognized as a Bentley, but I kind of couldn't believe it. I said something along the lines of: "Is that a.... Bentley?" Once we drove past it and confirmed that it was, my dad kindly pulled two U-turns and pulled in behind it. When I tell you this was a strange sight, I really can't express to the extent it was strange. The closest town to where I saw this was Rosman which is TINY. I had to get my shots quick, because I didn't want to leave my parents waiting for too long and we had to be at the park by a certain time, but in the moments where I was photographing this Bentley it really felt other-worldly in a sense. To add to that effect, it was GONE when we came back on the same road latter that afternoon. And I would like to say this was absolutely not a photo shoot, this was completely random and there wasn't another person in sight of this Bentley. I still kind of can't believe this happened, this is only the second one ever spotted in the U.S and it's no where in sight of a city. Anyways, here is this insane find , definitely one of my top spots ever.